
Housekeeping Co congratulates esteemed team member on university achievement

Oct 06, 2023
Housekeeping Co congratulates esteemed

Housekeeping Co has extended their warmest congratulations to one of the company’s own team members after an incredible university achievement.

Khalid Atiq, a Customer Happiness Consultant at Housekeeping Co’s Tadbeer center, has now graduated from his bachelor’s degree with Summa Cum Laude, the highest level of commendation.

Balancing his studies in Business Administration with Hospital & Healthcare Management alongside his work at the company, Khalid was one of only a few students in his school to graduate with the honor.

Studying a range of topics for the last five years at the American University in Dubai, the course included key administrative skills, with a focus on how hospitals and healthcare facilities are managed, operated, and overseen.

With his degree now behind him and looking towards the future, Khalid shared that his eventual dream role is to be “running a hospital with peak efficiency.”

Born in Dubai to an Emirati father and British mother, Khalid shared that he will continue working with the team at Housekeeping Co until January, 2024, before going on to complete his UAE national service.

Consistently a key part of the team, everyone at Housekeeping Co wishes Khalid the greatest successes in all his future endeavors.

Khalid is currently one of 14 Emiratis working at the Housekeeping Co Tadbeer center, located at the Equiti Metro Station Exit 2 on Sheikh Zayed Road.

You can visit the center from 8am-8pm every day of the week or get in touch over the phone or on WhatsApp at 04 706 0100. 

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