
Breast Cancer Awareness 2023 - Conduct a Self-Examination Today

Oct 25, 2023
Breast Cancer Awareness 2023

Breast Cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UAE, and the age of diagnosis here is on average 10 years younger than in western countries. 

This makes education and awareness even more important, as learning how to conduct a self-examination could detect a lump or similar, that may be cancerous. 

Although around the world in many countries, breast cancer awareness campaigns are largely in the public eye, for many women travelling to work in the UAE, this has not been the case. 

Because of this, Housekeeping Co are passionate about ensuring domestic workers have access to this information, many of which may not have come across the public awareness campaigns within the UAE due to the nature of their job. 

In 2019, Housekeeping Co conducted a Breast Cancer Awareness Training Day, which saw 2,500 domestic workers take part. 

In addition to learning how to be aware of the signs associated with breast cancer, participants then had a full check-up exam by the doctors and nurses on call. 

Examinations saw over 70 ladies then encouraged to go for a free mammogram check-up after clinicians discovered abnormalities at the event. 

Previously, the company has also offered 12 weeks of free housekeeping services to women in Dubai who had undergone surgery or treatment within two months of the campaign. 

With over 7,500 domestic workers now with Housekeeping Co, we are dedicated to ensuring their health and awareness concerning conditions such as breast cancer. 

Early detection is one of the key tools in beating the disease, so education around how to spot the signs and symptoms is paramount. 

This year, we have organised another awareness campaign to spread support and information about breast cancer, which has been shared with all of our domestic workers. Hoping to encourage frequent and effective self-examinations, our workers being able to conduct these at home should mean they notice very early on if there are any lumps or changes in their breasts. 

Finding an abnormality or a lump can be frightening, but uncovering this quickly can be lifesaving. This year, Housekeeping Co has also shared the story of our domestic worker, Aynalem, who discovered an abnormality that turned out to be breast cancer. 

After being supported by her co-workers and company, Aynalem received full-treatment, and was told last year she was fit to return to work. You can read her full story here

If you would like to learn more about how to conduct a self-examination, or how to get support, visit our information page here.

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