


Nationality: Philippines

Basic Info:

Candidate ID No.: CN26412
Designation: Nanny-Housekeeper
Age: 45
Availability: Available

Education & Experience:

Highest Qualifications: Secondary
Further Education:
Employment History: Nanny Housekeeper
Years of Working Experience: 4 years

Skills & Knowledge:

Skill Set: Competent Nanny
Knowledgeable of Arabic Cuisines
Comfortable in Handling Pets
Spoken Languages: English

Interviewers Notes & Comments:

Nanny – Housekeeper

Working Experiences: Total of 4 years in KSA

  • KSA: 2yrs with a family of 9, 1 elderly, 6 adults & 2 children (3 & 5yrs)
  •  KSA: 2yrs with a family of 6, 2 adults & 4 children (14,12,10yrs, newborn)

 For the first family, she worked looking after the elderly lady who was taking medication for Diabetes and high cholesterol, cooking for the lady, helping her bath, changing clothes, going to the restroom, she also doing the housekeeping duties.

For the second family, she worked as a nanny-housekeeper including bathing, dressing, changing diapers, preparing bottles, feeding, napping, bedtime routines, and potty training.

 She can make dishes like Kubsa, maraque, Briyani , Maqluba, and make sweets like Basbusa Kunafa , she also does baking.

 A mother of 3 (17,15,10yrs.) 

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